FICTION INDEX Star Trek : Nightfall |
Star Trek Fiction |
The Dominion War is long over but the Alpha and Beta Quadrants are still in turmoil. The destruction of Romulus has seen the Romulan Star Empire collapse into civil war as rival colonies struggle to establish themselves as the new capital. The Cardassian Union is still in ruins and with the military the only force with any credibility it faces the threat of falling back under the rule of the Central Command once more. In the Klingon Empire rival houses are rewriting history regarding their actions during the war, while in the Federation outlying worlds are resenting what they see as an unfair concentration of resources on the core worlds. Amongst all of this there is something else at work. A force that can come and go at will while leaving no evidence other than the chaos it leaves in its wake. Now the future of the galaxy lies in the hands of the crew of an experimental starship that many in the Federation would like to see scrapped. These are the voyages of the USS Nightfall... |
Star Trek: Nightfall - The Slaver Crisis Promoted to command the new USS Nightfall, Captain Cole is ordered to take his ship beyond the borders of the Federation to a remote sector where a research team has located the remains of colonies belonging to the ancient Slaver Empire. The Slavers possessed power unrivalled at any time since though and uncovering their secrets brings as many dangers as it does opportunities... 7. Hidden Treasure 8. Hostile Reception 9. A Door Once Opened 10. Rival Schools of Thought 11. Old Friends - Old Foes Star Trek: Ascension While the Federation and Klingon Empire move closer to making peace once and for all there are those on both sides who oppose any settlement with their long standing enemies. One Klingon admiral takes matters into his own hands and sets in motion a plan that would end this path to peace, whatever the cost may be. Standing in his way is the USS Ascension, a patrol ship deployed along the border whose captain guards a dark secret... 7. No Win Scenario 8. A Place to Call Home 9. Wolf Pack 10. Sleepers
Notes: 1. These stories are set in the 'original' Star Trek timeline (that is of 'Enterprise', the original series, 'The Next Generation', 'Deep Space 9' and 'Voyager'). This is the timeline that Nero left , therefore the destruction of the USS Kelvin and the planet Vulcan as seen in the 2009 film by J.J. Abrams have not occured. 2. I've taken some extreme liberties in interpreting the canon of Star Trek. I don't use the 'Starfleet Marines' that some like to include in their fan fiction (at least in the Nightfall stories - I have found a reference to them from Star Trek VI for the movie era), but I do make use of both Earth MACOs and Andorian Imperial Guard seen in the TV series 'Enterprise' despite there being no evidence that either organisation still existed by the late 24th century. |
Copyright Notice. Star Trek is the intellectual property of CBS and Paramount Pictures Ltd. The fiction presented here is a derived work and neither CBS or Paramount have not endorsed any of it.
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